Le patient expert vu par le CISS RA

Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

Le Collectif Interassociatif Sur la Santé Rhône-Alpes (CISS RA) a publié un dossier dans son bulletin d’information, sur le patient expert. Je vous le mets en ligne.

Bonne continuation



Bulletin d’information CISS RA




Hello one and all, The Collective interassociative On the Rhône-Alpes Health (CISS RA) has published a report in its newsletter, the expert patient. I’ll put it online. good luck Sylvie

Translation of the article CISS RA

~~His career In 1993, a bad fall mountain bike rings beginning of his medical history: operations are connected, the pain is ubiquitous and complications obviously affect privacy. As to measurement, medicine becomes helpless Sylvie Bouchard then feels abandoned and began a descent into underworld. In 2010, she was forced to stay in bed 9 months, his physician Dr. Gael Bertrand, directs to Dr. Emmanuelle Chaleat-Valayer, physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation the Medico-Surgical Rehabilitation Center French Red Cross clubs (Lyon 5th) it Recommend to resume physical activity. Sylvie Bouchard opted for a rehabilitation pool and Using his experience and his feelings happen to spot its adaptation strategies. Despite the pain, its Combat pay and after 3 years, it goes better with a restoration of the function unexpected.

~~His actions in the establishment Initially, once a month, and now all Friday, Sylvie Bouchard leads a workshop of therapy for patients in the center. in program, rehabilitation exercises, but especially relaxation and good mood. Having a partner Sylvie shows as patient as possible to get better and to manage the daily pain and disease. In parallel with this workshop, it is integrated with the team plurisdisciplinaire (Doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, social workers, psychologist, responsible for professional reintegration) and participated in the development of program therapeutic education for patients with chronic low back pain. this program will shortly be submitted to the ARS-Rhône Alps. Teamwork and patient as expert, Sylvie has brought his experience to the user project construction.

~~Why become « expert patient »? This is Dr. Emmanuelle Chaleat-Valayer that offers to become « expert patient » in his service under his exceptional career. After 120 hours of training for a University Diploma Education Therapeutics e-learning at the Faculty Pierre and Marie Curie of Paris VI, Sylvie Bouchard joined the center Clubs as a voluntary patient to the expert French Red Cross. For her, beyond sharing experience and knowledge acquired after many years living with the disease, This is to prevent other patients are found in situations of extreme discouragement she has known. It testifies to patients of what can be achieved through hard work and determination.

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