La Croix-Rouge Française parle du patient expert

Bonjour à tous et à toutes,

Je vous mets en ligne l’article qui a été publié hier sur la newsletter de la Croix-Rouge française.

Bon courage et bonne continuation




Newsletter Au Coeur de l’Action n°6.pdf





Hello one and all, I put you online article that was published yesterday on the newsletter of the French Red Cross. Good read and good luck


Translation of the article

« In 1993, Sylvie Bouchard, very sporty young woman a bad fall all terrain bike. A long descent to hell follows: Operations of the spine repeatedly, speech discordant physicians, very important sequelae irreversible suffering intense loss of his job … Directed in 2003 to Medicine and Surgery Center Rehabilitation of Clubs, managed by the French Red Cross since 2010, Sylvie follows the advice of Dr. Chaléat- Valayer: rependre despite pain, activities physical. with many courage and tenacity, Sylvie decides to follow a daily training pool, which after 3 many years, allows it regain capacity unexpected functional.

Meet its progress exceptional , Dr. Chaléat – Valayer invites Sylvie patient to become expert in C.MC.R. Massues . Therapeutic education and patient involvement trained patients appeared the United States in the 80s. their ambition is to support disease patients chronic , help them become actor pathology in their daily lives and live better with . In January Sylvie adheres to the French Red Cross. The following summer, she managed e-learning diploma University of Education therapeutic diseases Chronic University Pierre and Marie Curie at Paris VI. Sylvie knows essential role of patients experts and their assistance other patients so that they can manage better their chronic disease daily. also, generously, it offers also animate Lyon in the next month, the first meeting and awareness to all actors and structures Cross Red interested. so, gradually develop patients in the experts network of the Red Cross French … Thank you and congratulations to it! »

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