La presse en parle….In the press…

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

La presse lyonnaise parle de mon parcours, je vous mets en ligne l’article.

Bonne continuation



Hebdomadaire Vox Rhône-Alpes International




Hello to you all, The Lyons Press about my background, I put you online article. good luck Sylvie


Translation of the article

« To disability, a shared adventure The golf Sylvie Bouchard, young very sporty and dynamic woman notes outstanding courage and a mind of steel . In 1993, a bad fall during a hiking , mountain biking, causes unbearable pain at lumbar . Five operations spine and can no longer sit and suffer terribly. Sylvie wants to understand and hopes healing but it faces speeches discordant physicians and surgeons, it will still be reoperated 31 August 2001 but the results will not waiting for you. It will then live a living hell with a sense of abandonment by the medical and a huge misunderstanding, not feeling taken serious in his feelings and his lived . She keeps very important sequelae and irreversible surgery , including a lack of engraftment bone and neurological complications. But ten years later, she suffers again and is forced to live up or lying down , loses his job . This is the doctor Sylvie , the Dr. Gael Bertrand , who directed him to a physical medicine and rehabilitation of Red Cross Clubs French , Dr. Chaleat – Valayer Emmanuelle who advises Sylvie recovery physical activities. Thus , with great courage and determination after bedridden for a long period of 9 Sylvie months became his instincts and decides to cope with a remedial pool. She swims daily performing lengths for 1 hour unabated. To date , or after three years of muscle work through pain , Sylvie gets better and remarche . It glows and gives us a good life lesson. Faced with this remarkable growth , Dr. Emmanuelle Chaléat – Valayer , Sylvie following for many years in medical and surgical center rehabilitation of Clubs (WCAR ) in Lyon 5th , managed by the establishment French Red Cross , the requests for become expert patient LBP chronic. Sylvie accepts and resumed his studies at the Faculty Pierre and Marie Curie Paris VI in e -learning, which allowed him to combine management its pathologies and courtyards. diploma obtained this year in 2013. What is actually role of expert patient ? Sylvie tells us :  » Throughout my care period from 1993 to today I am interested in the patient’s life to the hospital and I was very careful to several very important issues including listening and communication between caregivers and patients. Indeed , the chronic patient expresses the need acquire knowledge about the disease In addition to its self- learning , strengthen skills to better manage their disease and its treatment , sole purpose is to limit the occurrence Early complications. there is vital for a chronically ill person , have an accompanying to be more independent , to facilitate its adherence to treatment. But now so many doctors become attentive to how their patients live their health or support their pathology , lack of time and therefore availability allows them not always be concerned about patient education . Kers by it is a considerable gap between the language of doctors and understanding by the patients , while the quality Communication is a vector of the therapeutic relationship. To have lived , Sylvie explains the patient with chronic disease suffers a loss of feeling integrity while constantly threatened by the deterioration of his condition. »

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